Monday, December 11, 2017

B1+ week # 5, a graph-description essay

Write an entry of at least 250 words individually (your own writing) about a diagram/graph describing essay on (describe only ONE diagram/graph):
Simple Graph

 Car Braking System Diagram Automotive Brake System

photo credits:

You may collaborate with your classmates (discuss relevant ideas and vocabulary before and while writing) using Skype or face to face outside the classroom in pairs or small groups.
Do Not worry about grammatical/spelling errors; this is a fluency rather than an accuracy activity.


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  2. ██▓▒░ Population of Hungary ░▒▓██

    In this essay, I am going to write about population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007.

    There was a decrease between 1996 and 2007 in population of Hungary from above 10.30 million to about 10.05 million. In 1997, The number of population was 10.30 million but the year before it was more than 10.30 million of people lived there. Population was still decreasing between the year 1998 to 1999. In 2001, there were 10.20 million people lived in Hungary which was less than the number of people who lived in 2001. The number of population in 2002 was more than 10.15 million. After few years, the rate of decreasing almost didn’t change. For example, there was a decrease in population from 10.15 million to 10.10 million between 2003 and 2005. Hungary lost around 50 thousand of population every two years. In 2006, the number of population was less than 10.10 million. In the next year, there were above 10.05 million people lived in Hungary. From this information given for us, I expect that population of Hungary will probably decrease more in the future because there are many people in Hungary don’t get married and even if they do many of them don’t want to have children. This is really a problem because by the year 2012 there might be only 9.90 million people live in Hungary.

    In conclusion, I think they need to get step to solve this problem by encouraging people to marry and have children before Hungary loses all their people!

    ID: 381901273


  3. (population of Hungary)

    the graph shows population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007
    how population of Hungary come very decreased.

    population of Hungary in 1996 population of Hungary was 10.35 millions and in 1997 people decreased from 10.35 millions to 10.30
    millions in 1998 people decreased to 10.25 millions in 2002 was
    decreased very fast from 10.35 millions to 10.15 millions
    from 2003 to 2004 did not very change for the population of Hungary
    from 2005 to 2007 we have alittle change from 1996 to 2007
    the population of Hungary decreased very fast.

    The graph for the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007
    decreased very fast after ten years people come very decreased

    abdulrahman alkhaldi

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  6. -highest level of education of women in someland.

    Education is one of the most important things at these times. In this essay I will interpret a diagram that shows the education of someland in 1945.
    As we can see, the picture is divided into seven parts, each part indicates a specific level of education. Firstly, let me start with women that have not enter the school at all, as we can see they have a high percentage with 35%. Secondly, women who stop their education at the third grade have a high percentage as same as no schooling women with 35%. Thirdly, women who stop at year 6 have a percentage of 15%. Fourthly, women who stop education at year 9 have a percentage of 10%. In addition, women who stop their education at year 12 have a small percentage with 4%. Furthermore, women who got the first degree are almost 1%. Finally, post graduate women was recorded as none with 0%.

    To sum up, I have illustrated the diagram as shown. Education has improved over the years and the reason why I wrote this essay is to compare the education now and before.

    Abdulrahman Al-Ateeq

  7. Education is the number one aspect in our lives in which it mostly determine our paths and careers. In this essay, I going to describe a pie chart which is statistics about the highest level of education of women in Someland in 1945.

    This chart is basically describing seven levels of education that women used to hold at that time. As you can see from the chart that there are two big equal pieces which are no schooling and third grade levels and the percentage of these two levels is 35%. In fact, these two levels are the bottom two levels in the ladder of education at that time and their summation is 70% which is unfortunate thing for women to be at that level of education. In this chart, it is also noticed that 15% and 10% of women reached the Sixth and ninth grade respectively. Moreover, 85% of women did not even reached more than the sixth grade and 95% did not reached more than secondary school. It is also noticed from the chart that 4% of women graduated from the high school and only 1% got the first degree. Finally, there was no one able to reach post graduate level at that time.

    In conclusion, it looks like women had no interest for education at that time or there were some limitations that caused this big number of being at low level of education.

    Saad alqahtani

  8. Population of Hungary

    The graph shows the population of Hungary from the year 1996 to 2007.

    In 1996, the population of Hungary was 10.35 million. Then in the period between 1997 and 2007 there was a gradual decrease. In 1997, the population started to decrease from 10.35 million to almost 10.30 million. The population decrease by about 2 million in the year 1998. By the year 1999 the population was 10.25 million. There was a slightly decrease in the year 2000. Then in the year 2001 the population was near to 10.20 million. The population went down in the year 2002 by about 3 or 2 million. In 2003, the population fall back to 10.15 million. After that in the year 2004, the population decreased by about 1 or 2 million. Between 2005 and 2006 there were 10.10 million people in Hungary. Until the year 2007, there were about 10.05 million people in Hungary. I can see in this graph that the population of Hungary going worse year by year and there is no movement from the government to solve this big problem. In my opinion there could be some problem with the people in Hungary like the people don’t want to marry or don’t want to get children. The government should move to find a solution for this problem such as give the parents financial support for any child they get.

    The graph predicts that the population of Hungary after the year 2007 could go worse and may complete decreasing in the years after.

    Mojtaba Almohana

  9. In this essay I'm going to talk about population of Hungary between 1996 and 2007.

    There was decrease in the graph between 1996 and 2007 of population of Hungary. The highest population was in 1996. It was around 10.30 millions. The year after started to go down with number of population. As what I can see the population of Hungary decease year by year. The lowest population of Hungary was in 2007 and the population was around 10.05 millions. That means the government looked after the people and found solution of the problem. One of the reasons I think the government made diversity of jobs that can help people.

    In conclusion, people must be responsible about what they have and the government will help them.

    Abdullah Alajmi

  10. In this essay I am going to describe pi graph witch shows the highest level of education of women in someland in 1945.
    As we all know that studying nowadays is very important for both male and female. First of all in 1945 in someland education wasn’t big issue so the percentage of women who had no schooling was 35%. Second thing if women went to school they didn’t stay until they graduate from high school many of them dropped out. Third thing is the number of women who stopped at the third grade was 35%. Then 15% of women were finished just the sixth grade and 10% finished 9 year . after that women who real graduate from high school were exactly 4% witch is very low percentage. Last but not least there is 1% of them who talked there first degree and non of them did post geaduate.

    In my point of view the main reason was schooling was new thing to them so they were not serious with it and women had a hot of duties.
    abdulrahman saeed

  11. The graph shows the population of Hungary over a twelve-year period.

    In the year 1996, the population was almost 10.35m, then in the year 1997, it was decreased to 10.30m. next, between 1998 and 2000 it was decreased from less than 10.30m to 10.25m. after that, from over 10.20m to less than 10.20m. one year later in 2003 it also decreased to 10.15m. after one year in 2004, it decreased slightly to under 10.15m. then from 2005 to 2006, it decreased from 10.10m to nearly 10.05. after one year in 2007, it decreased to 10.05.

    in the conclusion, the population decreased in the last year so the government should do something to encourage the people to have kids to avoid population problem in the future.


  12. Countries must count their population. So, Hungary did it. In this essay, I am going to talk about the population of Hungary.

    In the year 1996, the population was almost 10.35m. Then in the year 1997, it dropped to 10.30m. After that, between 1998 and 2000 there was dramatic fall of 0.05m, from less than 10.30m to 10.25m. In the year 2001 it was from over 10.20m dropped in the year 2002 to be less than 10.20m. After one year in 2003 it also decreased to 10.15m. In the year 2004, it decreased slightly to under 10.15m. Then, between 2005 and 2006, it decreased from 10.10m to nearly 10.05. One year later in 2007, it decreased to 10.05. In the graph, we can see the population going down. I think many people in Hungary don’t want to marry or if they marry they don’t want to get children.

    To sum up, as you can see, it very serious problem. They must increase their population.

    NAME: Ahmad Alzahrani
    #: 381900539

  13. I’m going to talk about population of hungary between years 1996 to 2007

    There was decrease in the graph between 1996 to 2007 of population of hungary. In1996 the population of hungary was 10.35 million. After that in 1997 the number decrease to 10.30 just 5 million.
    Nexy in year 1998 just less 2 million. Also in year 1999 it was decrease to 10.25 million. By the year 2000 it was less 2million. The year between 2001to 2003 it was decrease from 10.20 to 10.15 million.
    Next in year 2004 it was less just 2million.
    By the year 2005 it was 10.10 million it also decrease. After that in year 2006 to 2007 it was little decrease from 10.08 million to 10.05 million. That what the graph show as how the population of hungary decrease from 1996 to 2007 in my opinion i think it’s big decrease if we think about after 10 years what they will happen in the year 2017 they will be the number of the people less than 9.75 million.

    In the conclusion the people in hungary they should to think about this problem and change they opinion about married.

    Nasser almulhim

  14. The graph shows the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007.

    In 1996, was the highest number of population and it was around 10.30 million. We could seen that there was a gradual decreased between 1997 and 1999. It decreased from almost 10.30 to around 10.25 million. There was a gradual decreased from 2000 to 2002. It decreased from almost 10.25 to almost 10.20 million. In 2003, the population fall back to 10.15 million. After that in the year 2004, the population decreased by about 1 or 2 million. Between 2005 and 2006 there were almost 10.10 million people in Hungary. In 2007 the population decreased until 10.05 million. I can see in this graph that the population of Hungary is getting decreased year by year. I think that the main idea of the decreased is that people in Hungary don’t want to marry also they don’t like to get children.

    The graph predicts that the population of Hungary after the year 2007 could decreased and continue decreased in the years after.

    Abdullah Alkatheeri

  15. ‏ Population of Hungary

    ‏the graph shows population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007
    ‏how population of Hungary come very decreased.

    ‏There was a decrease between 1996 and 2007 in population of Hungary from above 10.30 million to about 10.05 million. In 1997, The number of population was 10.30 million but the year before it was more than 10.30 million of people lived there. Population was still decreasing between the year 1998 to 1999. In 2001, there were 10.20 million people lived in Hungary which was less than the number of people who lived in 2001. The number of population in 2002 was more than 10.15 million. After few years, the rate of decreasing almost didn’t change. For example, there was a decrease in population from 10.15 million to 10.10 million between 2003 and 2005. Hungary lost around 50 thousand of population every two years. In 2006, the number of population was less than 10.10 million. In the next year, there were above 10.05 million people lived in Hungary.

    ‏In conclusion,The graph for the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007
    decreased very fast after ten years people come very decreased.

    Name/Abdulaziz Al-shebanah

  16. In this essay , I’m going to describe the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007

    There was a slight decrease between 1996 to 2007 in the population from approximately 10.30 million to about 10.03 million . The number of population was above 10.30 in 1996 but in the next year it decreased to 10.30 . From 1998 to 2001 there was a grammatically decrease from about 10.30 million to 10.20 million. In the next year the decrease is continued to reach about 10.15 million. From 2003 to 2005 there was a slightly decrease from 10.15 million to 10.10 million. In the next two years 2006 and 2007 it decrease intel it reached about 10.05 million.

    In-conclusion, I think the Hungary government should encourage the people to marry and have children, because if they decrease at the same pattern there will be nothing called Hungary.

    Name : Talal Ahmed
    I’d : 381900641

  17. In this essay I will write about population of Hungary

    In 1996 the number of population was 10.35. In the next year in 1997 the number of population was 10.33. After one year the number of population still decreased and it was 10.30 . In 1999the number of population Hungary still decreased and it was 10.25 . After one year the number still decreased and was 10.23 . In 2001 the number of population still decreased and it was 10.20 . In the next year the number raised 10.17 . After one year there was decreased at the number of population in Hungary and it was 10.15 . In 2004 the number of population had became 10.13 . At 2005 the population was 10.10 . When it was 2006 the population was 10.07 . In 2007 it was 10.05

    As we have seen in the graph The number of population in Hungary had became decreased year after year and the government of Hungary have to find a solution for this problem

  18. In this essay I am going to describe the graph that shows the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007.
    There was a decrease between 1996 and 2007. In 1996 the population was exactly 10.35 million, then in 1997 the number of population decreased to nearly 10.30 million. Form 1997 to 2001 there was a slight decrease from 10.30 million to 10.20 million. Then from 2001 to 2005 the decrease continued to 10.10 million. In the last two years in 2007 there was a decrease to almost 10.05 million.
    In conclusion, the graph shows the decrease in the population of Hungary in period of time from 1996 to 2007, from 10.35 million to 10.05 million.

    Mohammed Alamer

  19. highest level of education of women in someland.

    Education is one of the most important things at these times. In this essay I will interpret a diagram that shows the education of someland in 1945.
    As we can see, the picture is divided into seven parts, each part indicates a specific level of education. Firstly, let me start with women that have not enter the school at all, as we can see they have a high percentage with 35%. Secondly, women who stop their education at the third grade have a high percentage as same as no schooling women with 35%. Thirdly, women who stop at year 6 have a percentage of 15%. Fourthly, women who stop education at year 9 have a percentage of 10%. In addition, women who stop their education at year 12 have a small percentage with 4%. Furthermore, women who got the first degree are almost 1%. Finally, post graduate women was recorded as none with 0%.

    To sum up, I have illustrated the diagram as shown. Education has improved over the years and the reason why I wrote this essay is to compare the education now and before.

    Abdulrahman Al-somali.

  20. In this essay I'm going to write about the population of Hungary from 1996 to 2007.

    There was a decrease between 1996 and 2007 in population of Hungary from above 10.30 million to about 10.05 million. In 1996 population of Hungary was 10.35 million but in 1997 it has decreased to 10.30 million, also in has slightly decreased from the year 1997 till 2002 in 1997 it was 10.30 million but in 2002 it became 10.20 million, in the two years after it also decreased to 10.15 million, in 2005 the population continued decreasing till 10.10 million, in the next year the decrease continued and reach about 10.05, in the year 2007 their was also a slight decrease from 10.07 million to 10.05 million

    To sum up, I have illustrated the diagram as shown. The population of Hungary continued decreasing year after year and I think the government should find a solution to this problem.

    Bader Maziad Alotaibi


  21. woman with degree
    Today I will right about woman with degree
    Same of them complete her study and another they dis not do any thing .
    35% they don't do anything set at home another 75% they study but not all the same.35% of them they study to 3rd class in the starter school.15% complete starter school to 6 class.10% they improved her score to middle school and 3 years more. The last 4% for school they did will and take more 3 years for high school and the last thing 1% they study the first degree
    That's all women human in the world with studying.

    Majed alharthi .
    ID / 371900541
