Wednesday, November 29, 2017

B1+ Week# 3; an advantage/disadvantage essay

Write an entry of at least 250 words individually (your own writing) about an advantage/disadvantage essay on (write on only ONE topic per week):

1-Humanoid Robots.
2-Auto-driving cars.
3-Machines built on bio-mimicry.

You may collaborate with your classmates (discuss relevant ideas and vocabulary before and while writing) using Skype or face to face outside the classroom in pairs or small groups.
Clearly express your opinions, views and feelings about the topic.
Do Not worry about grammatical/spelling errors; this is a fluency rather than an accuracy activity.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

B1+ week #2: A problem-solution essay

Write an entry of at least 250 words individually (your own writing) about a problem-solution essay on (write on only ONE topic per week):

1-Traffic in Riyadh.
2-Eating junk food.
3-Pollution caused by factories in Jubail Industrial city.

You may collaborate with your classmates (discuss relevant ideas and vocabulary before and while writing) using Skype or face to face outside the classroom in pairs or small groups.
Clearly express your opinions, views and feelings about the topic.

Do Not worry about grammatical/spelling errors; this is a fluency rather than an accuracy activity.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

B1+ week # 1, a cause-effect/cause-result essay

Write an entry of at least 250 words individually (your own writing) about a cause-effect/cause-result essay on (write on only ONE topic per week):

1- Human causes of climate change and its effects on Earth.
2- Causes of unemployment and its results.
3- Causes of pollution and its effects on us.

You may collaborate with your classmates (discuss relevant ideas and vocabulary before and while writing) using Skype or face to face outside the classroom in pairs or small groups.
Clearly express your opinions, views and feelings about the topic.
Do Not worry about grammatical/spelling errors; this is a fluency rather than an accuracy activity

Monday, November 13, 2017

Dear B1+ students; welcome to the Fall Quarter 2017

Dear B1+ students,

      Welcome to the Fall Quarter 2017. As per our class discussion, I hope that everyone now has a gmail account that is required to access the service. There will be a training session this first week of classes to familiarize all of you with blogs and how to write your posts and publish these via this tutor blog.
      I realized from our class discussions that most of you already used blogs (which is great) so after the training session and starting from this weekend, I expect everyone to start writing in response of the writing prompt that you find on our blog.
                                                       Thank you.
                                                        K Layali